Literal Translation: that’s when the sow twists its tail. Meaning: that’s when things go wrong, or get complicated. Significado: cuando las cosas se complican o se ponen difíciles. Use: general, colloquial
Lechoza madura (para comer o hacer batida). República Dominicana. Ripe papaya. Dominican Republic. Papaya is a tropical fruit abundant in the Dominican Republic. It is eaten ripe, as in the photo, cut in cubes or made into smoothies with milk, water and cane sugar. A popular papaya smoothie recipe includes Carnation (evaporated milk). Blend all these ingredients together with ice and enjoy!
Literal translation: being Machepa’s son. Obviously, Machepa was not an illustrious member of Dominican society, but it’s hard to say who he/she was or how this idiom got started. Do you know who Machepa was? Meaning: being poor, unimportant or falsely accused. Generally refers to any situation in which you are getting the short end of the stick. Significado: ser pobre, ignorado o poco importante. Generalmente se refiere a situaciones en la cual al que le va mal es a usted. Use: colloquial, general
Literal translation: you don’t wash nor lend your “batea”. Batea is a word inherited from the Tainos (native inhabitants of Quisqueya - Dominican Republic). It describes a big flat bowl usually made of wood used to wash gold in the river. Also used by Dominican women of past generations to carry and beat clothes in the river as they washed. It’s unclear if this idioms refers to washing gold or clothes. Meaning: you don’t do and you don’t let others do Significado: usted ni hace, ni deja hacer Use: colloquial, general