Literal translation: “let’s see if that is gum the goat is chewing”. Meaning: dare - show me what you’ve got, let’s see if this person/situation is who they say they are or what it seems to be. Significado: reto - demuéstrame lo que dices, quién eres, o de qué hablas. Vamos a ver qué trae esta situación. Use: colloquial
Literal translation: “that’s not the kind of wind that knocks down coconuts”. Meaning: that person or situation is nothing to worry about, don’t sweat it. Significado: esas no son cosas que deben preocuparte. Se refiere a algo que no representa problema real. Use: general, colloquial
The Dominican bohio (a Taino word for dwelling), in the mountains of Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. The bohio is built with wood from the surrounding area and palm branches called “yaguas”. This particular bohio is roofed with zinc sheets, also common in rural dwellings. El bohío, palabra de origen taino, describe la vivienda tradicional del campesino dominicano, construída de madera local y techo de ramas de palma también conocidas como yagua. Este bohío está techado con hojas de zinc, muy comunes en las zonas rurales del país. Foto tomada en las montañas de Jarabacoa, República Dominicana.
Literal translation: If you want nice hair you have to pull it tight. This may refer to the effort of detangling curly hair more common in the Dominican Republic. Meaning: If you want something you need to work hard for it. Significado: ¨¿Quieres moños bonitos? Aguanta halones.¨ Si quieres lograr algo, debes esforzarte para conseguirlo. Use: general Submitted by: Thank you!
Literal translation: the pineapple turned sour. Commonly used to refer to the state of the country or a particular situation. Meaning: things went wrong, things got difficult Significado: la situación se complicó, o cambió para mal. Use: general, colloquial
Literal translation: a ripe plantain won’t go back to green. This idiom is rooted in a merengue song by the same title made popular in the 80’s by Nelson Cordero “El Varón”. The entire phrase goes “a green plantain won’t go back to green, and time that’s gone won’t come back”. Meaning: time wasted is gone, seize the moment, or don’t dwell on the past. Significado: no pierdas el tiempo, vive el momento, o no te aferres al pasado. Uso: general
Planta de sábila. Cultivada en los patios de algunos hogares dominicanos, la sábila se usa por sus propiedades ornamentales y curativas (para curar heridas, quemaduras, picaduras de insectos y en brevages para curar la gripe junto con miel de abeja). Aloe Vera Tree. Grown in some Dominican households, aloe vera is valued for its ornamental and healing properties. It is used to heal wounds, burns, insect bites and in liquid concoctions meant to treat chest congestion).