Ni lava ni presta la batea

Literal translation: you don’t wash nor lend your “batea”. Batea is a word inherited from the Tainos (native inhabitants of Quisqueya – Dominican Republic). It describes a big flat bowl usually made of wood used to wash gold in the river. Also used by Dominican women of past generations to carry and beat clothes in the river as they washed. It’s unclear if this idioms refers to washing gold or clothes.   

Meaning: you don’t do and you don’t let others do

Significado: usted ni hace, ni deja hacer

Use: colloquial, general

By Antonia S.

I founded this site to share my culture and the dishes I love. My native Dominican Republic, family ties to China, and travels near and far inspire my recipes. Enjoy and SHARE! Fundé para compartir mi cultura y los platos que me gustan. Mi tierra nativa, la República Dominicana, lazos familiares de la China y mis viajes por el mundo son la inspiración para mis recetas. Disfrute y comparte!

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