“Si como caminas cocinas, guárdame el concón”

Literal translation: if you cook like you walk, save me the concòn (the part of the cooked rice that sticks to the bottom of the pan). Concòn is considered a Dominican delicacy and is usually eaten with bean soup as part of daily meals. 

Meaning: I like you, you have a nice walk, harmless compliment (piropo) to a woman passing by

Significado: piropo (me gustas), tienes bonito caminar

Use: colloquial, urban

Update: It seems I hit a nerve with the use of the word “harmless” in the description above. A piropo’s interpretation is of course, subjective and many Dominican women are annoyed, not flattered by men shouting at them on the streets. A topic for a future post.

By Antonia S.

I founded this site to share my culture and the dishes I love. My native Dominican Republic, family ties to China, and travels near and far inspire my recipes. Enjoy and SHARE! Fundé biteslife.com para compartir mi cultura y los platos que me gustan. Mi tierra nativa, la República Dominicana, lazos familiares de la China y mis viajes por el mundo son la inspiración para mis recetas. Disfrute y comparte!

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