
Mother’s Day Poem: Creative Love

Mother’s Day Poem: Creative Love

Mother's day poems are about celebrating mom's love, work and endless creativity: Mother, you channel life. From creative wombs, countless designs. A princess, a queen with power born. Nature and merit secure your throne. Mother, through you the source of love is endless, and pushing forth. Why through great pain, producing life. Nurturing goddess, you are divine. Madre, within your heart my own heart rests... in peace survives. For when my world seems not so bright, there you are surely to hold me tight. Mother, if words could tell of such a love; there would be one poem retold by…
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End all wars: Poem to America

End all wars: Poem to America

A war free from government: arms trafficking, arms manufacturing, abusing power and position. No, you're not America if you use your toys to enrich your friends, driving up their stock. You're not America to use your money put your soldiers unprepared, at harm's way. I want my money to go to education and health care. End it! End the insanity that tells anyone anything good comes out of violence, and the conflicts in the Middle East. End the petty wars and the seemingly necessary ones too. Use your energy on something constructive. Show me you can function in peace. Show me you have…
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